Ahead of the Luxembourg Song Contest (LSC) on 25 January, the finalists were invited to a training weekend at the RTL building, joined by Danish singer and ex-participant Susanne Georgi and vocal coach Francesca Aaen.

The workshops are not only about improving stage performances, but also for the candidates to forge new connections. The group dynamic and cohesion of all LSC participants changes when they are being coached together.

The artists learn about developing their voice, how to behave in the dynamic environment of the national finals but also the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC), and how to deal with social media. All candidates were assured that "there will be difficult moments", but that's exactly why it's essential to be strong together.

With years of experience, the coaches bring the necessary know-how with their agency "Stars Studios Andorra", where talents are not only fostered, but songs are also written and recorded. Georgi has released or written over 500 songs herself, and Aaen has spent many years in theatre and opera. They bring strong ESC experience too.

All about feeling comfortable

Some of the talents will be on a stage of this scale with an audience of this scale for the very first time. This requires a lot of preparation and very importantly, the stage should not feel intimidating.

"You've made it this far. That's not nothing and new doors can already open. This is a huge opportunity for each of you," the coaches say. "You're good, but now you have to get better". In the end, only one act will reach the European level.

The improve their vocal ability, candidates have to practice breathing and singing while running - either outside or on a treadmill. Tali went through a similar training regime in early 2024.

The finalists also heard the difference in direct comparison with Tali's performance recordings during the LSC and ESC. The difference is impressive, and all thanks to training. After all, musical performance requires the endurance of a professional athlete.